Tahoma2D User Manual
This is the manual for Tahoma2D, an open-source full-featured 2D and Stop Motion animation creation software.
This manual is an ongoing project, which aims to provide the first and most complete reference for Tahoma2D features, and as such there will always be room for improvements and updates. Collaboration is welcome!
To contribute to Tahoma’s documentation, please visit the Tahoma2D docs repository.
Getting Started:
- Production Workflow
- Interface Overview
- Managing Projects
- Setting Up a Scene
- Cleaning-up Scanned Drawings
- Drawing Animation Levels
- Editing Animation Levels
- Managing Palettes and Styles
- Painting Animation Levels
- Working in Xsheet/Timeline
- Working with Audio
- Creating Movements
- Editing Using Spreadsheet and Curves
- Creating Cutout Animation
- Create animations using Plastic tool
- Using Plastic tool
- Building a Plastic mesh
- Modifying a Plastic mesh
- Edit a Plastic mesh
- Building a Plastic skeleton
- Using multiple skeletons on a mesh level
- Modifying a Plastic skeleton
- Animating Plastic elements
- Defining Rigidity for a Plastic mesh
- Displaying Plastic elements and properties
- Parenting Plastic levels using vertices and hooks
- Function Editor representation of Plastic data
- Use Mathematical Expressions in Plastic Animation
- Plastic and Subscenes
- Applying Effects
- Using the Particles Effect
- Previewing and Rendering
- Using the Toonz Farm
- Using the Version Control System
- ToonzScript
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- FX Reference
Special Thanks
This documentation is based on Toonz Harlequin 7.1 User Guide, originally created by Digital Video S.p.A., Rome Italy.