Installing Tahoma2D
Downloading Tahoma2D
You can download the appropriate version of Tahoma2D for your operating system from the Download page in the official Tahoma2D web site. Choose either the Windows or macOS version to start downloading the application.
All other builds apart from the ones downloaded from the official web site ARE NOT officially supported.
Installing on Windows
Download the Windows zipped file and follow these steps:
Extract the zip file.
Find the file called Tahoma2D
Double click and start drawing.
Installing on macOS
Download the macOS dmg file and follow these steps:
Double click on the dmg package.
Drag the Tahoma2D program to the Applications folder (or wherever you would like it placed).
Double click to open the app.
Grant any necessary permissions.
Start drawing!
For macOS 15.0 and later, on the first open there might be a dialog with a warning message, since Tahoma2D is not part of the Apple Developer program. Choose “Cancel” or “Done” and then open System Settings --> Privacy & Security
. Towards the bottom, next to Tahoma2D, select “Open Anyway.” Then in the next dialog, provide an administrative password or choose “Open”. Afterwards, Tahoma2D will open normally.
For most older versions of macOS, open through Finder the first time. Right-click on Tahoma2D and select “Open”. Then choose “Open Anyway”. Afterwards, Tahoma2D will open normally.
Some versions of macOS will ask for permission to access the Desktop, Documents, and Downloads directories on the first time opening. If you decline permission, you may have trouble saving your work. Visit System Settings --> Privacy & Security --> Files & Folders
if you need to fix folder permissions.