Using FFmpeg with Tahoma2D
What is FFmpeg?
Tahoma2D ships with a version of FFmpeg that is licensed under the LGPL license. This version can export .mp4 videos, but may not deliver as high quality videos as the GPL version of FFmpeg. You may want to change the version of FFmpeg that is used in Tahoma. To do so, follow the instructions below.
Installing FFmpeg for Windows
Create a new folder on your computer, the recommended location is C:\.
Name the new folder FFmpeg.
Drag the contents of the bin folder from the archive into the newly created folder.
Next, start Tahoma2D and open the Preferences window with File → Preferences…
Navigate to the Import/Export category; at the top you will see a box with the text FFmpeg path.
Insert the path to your FFmpeg folder that you created earlier, if you have used the recommended path, this will be C:\FFmpeg\:
Restart Tahoma.
Open the Output Settings window with Render → Output Settings…
Installing FFmpeg for Mac
Open Finder and create a new folder, the Applications/Tahoma folder is the recommended location.
Name the new folder FFmpeg
Drag the contents of the bin folder from the archive into the newly created folder.
For macOS 10.15 and later, each executable within the FFmpeg folder needs to be opened before using Tahoma2D (this only needs to be done one time, due to security features). In Finder, right-click on each executable (ffmpeg, ffprobe, and etc.) and select Open With → Terminal
. Once the Terminal windows have launched successfully, Terminal can be closed.
Next, start Tahoma2D and open the Preferences window with File → Preferences…
Navigate to the Import/Export category; at the top you will see a box with the text FFmpeg path.
Insert the path to your FFmpeg folder that you created earlier, if you have used the recommended path, this will be /Applications/Tahoma/FFmpeg:
Restart Tahoma.
Open the Output Settings window with Render → Output Settings…
Installing FFmpeg for Linux
Arch Linux: # pacman -S extra/ffmpeg
Debian GNU/Linux: # apt install ffmpeg
Gentoo Linux: # emerge media-video/ffmpeg
Solus: # eopkg install ffmpeg
To make it possible to export files in mp4, webm or gif formats, you need to specify the path to FFmpeg installed on your system, usually it is /usr/bin/ffmpeg. Enter command which ffmpeg
in the shell to find out.
Start Tahoma2D and open the Preferences window with File → Preferences…
Navigate to the Import/Export category; at the top you will see a box with the text FFmpeg path.
Insert the path /usr/bin.
Restart Tahoma.
Open the Output Settings window with Render → Output Settings…